Al Bunde, former WMS President
Text adapted from a statement by Al when he became WMS President in 2018
At the WMS Board of Directors planning meeting, on the Full Cold Moon weekend in December, an election was held for a new WMS President. I was honored to have been nominated and elected by the Board and have accepted the challenge to fulfill the responsibilities of this position. I would like to give a heartfelt thank you to former President Steve Shapson for the time and effort he contributed to WMS last year. Steve did an excellent job finding speakers, developing a relationship with the Urban Ecology Center as a lecture and educational site, finding restaurants that supported mycology focused dinners, events, new ideas, log inoculation presentations, representing club, marketing, our new website, T-shirts etc and more.
I joined WMS in 2009, have been on the Board of Directors for five years, led a few forays, but mainly contribute and volunteer on the social event committee team along with devoted members like Bill and Bob Blank, John Dean, Tina Samuels and Kris Ciombor. I look forward to meeting everyone attending the popular Wine and Cheese Potluck member slide show event at the Greenfield Park Pavilion on Thursday, January 18, from 7 pm – 10 pm. Volunteers are invited to show up after 6 pm.
So far [in 2018] we have three outstanding individuals scheduled to present educational and practical information at the awesome Urban Ecology Center, Riverside Park venue in Milwaukee. The 2018 local foray schedule and summer picnic location/date are still in the planning stages. We welcome member input for potential location and foray leader volunteers. Judy and Bob Kaplan are again, busy planning the annual Northwoods Foray weekend, near Hiles, to be held July 19 – 22 2018.
Through the ongoing dedication of our current Board members, the partnership with the UEC, by securing speakers with interesting, timely lecture topics, and weather conditions conducive to finding our fungal friends on forays, I am confident that our mushroom enthusiasm organization will continue to thrive in southeast Wisconsin and beyond. As the new President, I hope we will flourish by welcoming new members, maintaining current membership, improving social interaction, promoting environmental awareness, and encouraging member involvement.
Sincerely, Alan Bunde
I joined WMS in 2009, have been on the Board of Directors for five years, led a few forays, but mainly contribute and volunteer on the social event committee team along with devoted members like Bill and Bob Blank, John Dean, Tina Samuels and Kris Ciombor. I look forward to meeting everyone attending the popular Wine and Cheese Potluck member slide show event at the Greenfield Park Pavilion on Thursday, January 18, from 7 pm – 10 pm. Volunteers are invited to show up after 6 pm.
So far [in 2018] we have three outstanding individuals scheduled to present educational and practical information at the awesome Urban Ecology Center, Riverside Park venue in Milwaukee. The 2018 local foray schedule and summer picnic location/date are still in the planning stages. We welcome member input for potential location and foray leader volunteers. Judy and Bob Kaplan are again, busy planning the annual Northwoods Foray weekend, near Hiles, to be held July 19 – 22 2018.
Through the ongoing dedication of our current Board members, the partnership with the UEC, by securing speakers with interesting, timely lecture topics, and weather conditions conducive to finding our fungal friends on forays, I am confident that our mushroom enthusiasm organization will continue to thrive in southeast Wisconsin and beyond. As the new President, I hope we will flourish by welcoming new members, maintaining current membership, improving social interaction, promoting environmental awareness, and encouraging member involvement.
Sincerely, Alan Bunde