Check out regional WI mycology groups for even more fun(gi) events in your area!
Wondering what a "foray" is? Don't worry we've got a page for you.
Wondering what a "foray" is? Don't worry we've got a page for you.
Event Calendar (keep scrolling down for our events in a list format)
2025 Events as a List
stay tuned for the full 2025 season schedule!
January 16 (Thursday) - in-person Winter Potluck with a "Mushroom Jeopardy" presented by Dr. Britt Bunyard - Waukesha Public Library meeting room 6PM - 8:15PM
February 16 (Sunday) our "Snowshoes and Shrooms" foray, famous for the past few years for predicting the coldest, most icicles-out-of-your-nose-est day of the year! Join us at 10 AM to see what lichens and cold-hardy fungi there are to see at Storrs Lake Wildlife Area. Meet at the trailhead by the largest/main parking lot by the park sign. This is easy to find but as a backup here are the GPS coordinates: 42.778992, -88.918042
February 20 (Thursday) in-person presentation by mycologist, Dr. Else Vellinga! Waukesha Public Library starting at 6:30 pm on Fascinating Mushroom Spores
March 20 (Thursday) WMS on Zoom presentation by Linda Conroy on her experiences in Mexico with the North American Mycological Association (NAMA) foray - Mexico Mycelial Trails - meeting opens 6:30 PM Central, presentation begins at 7 PM Central.
April 17 (Thursday) WMS on Zoom presentation by Mike Jozwik ('Mushroom Mike') on his experiences with Morel Cultivation - Part 3 - meeting opens 6:30 PM Central, presentation begins at 7 PM Central.
May 10 (Saturday) Dr. Tom Volk Memorial Foray & Potluck Picnic - Foray will meet at specific location TBD at Perrot State Park. Foray from 10 AM to 12 PM, with a social to follow. This event is in collaboration with the UW La Crosse Mycology Club
May 15 (Thursday) WMS on Zoom presentation by Weparu Alemán on Mycopigments - meeting opens 6:30 PM Central, presentation begins at 7 PM Central.
June 19 (Thursday) WMS on Zoom presentation by Jack Johnson - meeting opens 6:30 PM Central, presentation begins at 7 PM Central.
June 28-July 2 (Saturday to Wednesday) Mycological Society of America (MSA) Annual Meeting in Madison, WI - read more here!
July 17 (Thursday) WMS on Zoom presentation by to be determined - meeting opens 6:30 PM Central, presentation begins at 7 PM Central.
July 17-20 (Thursday to Sunday) Hiles Retreat Foray (Hiles, WI) - read about Hiles Foray here.
August 7-10 (Thursday to Sunday) Rustic Camping Retreat Foray (Bayfield, WI) - read more about Rustic Camping Foray here.
August 15 (Thursday) WMS on Zoom presentation by John Muir Laws (fungi drawing workshop!) meeting opens 6:30 PM Central, presentation begins at 7 PM Central.
August 28-31 (Thursday to Sunday) Tri County Retreat Foray (Cumberland WI) - read about Tri County Foray here.
September 4-7 (Thursday to Sunday) Northwoods Retreat Foray (Cable, WI) - read more about Cable Foray here.
September 11-14 (Thursday to Sunday) North American Mycological Association (NAMA) Annual Meeting in Marlboro, VT - read more here!
September 18 (Thursday) WMS on Zoom presentation by Joey Santore - meeting opens 6:30 PM Central, presentation begins at 7 PM Central.
October 16 (Thursday) WMS on Zoom presentation by to be determined - meeting opens 6:30 PM Central, presentation begins at 7 PM Central.
November 20 (Thursday) WMS on Zoom presentation by to be determined - meeting opens 6:30 PM Central, presentation begins at 7 PM Central.
December 18 (Thursday) WMS on Zoom presentation by to be determined - meeting opens 6:30 PM Central, presentation begins at 7 PM Central.
You may also be looking for:
- past 2024 WMS events
- past 2023 WMS events
- past 2022 WMS events
- past 2021 WMS events
- past 2019 WMS events
- regional mycology clubs in Wisconsin
Check the email you used to sign up as a WMS member for Zoom address links, foray meeting places and additional details necessary for all our events.
Please make sure your email is up to date with us!
And if you are missing emails, check your spam folder and mark all WMS emails as "not spam".
Any questions?
Contact us here
Please make sure your email is up to date with us!
And if you are missing emails, check your spam folder and mark all WMS emails as "not spam".
Any questions?
Contact us here
If You Suspect a Poisoning
If you suspect you have consumed a poisonous mushroom, contact a physician, the closest hospital ER, poison control center, or dial 911, depending on the severity of the reaction. US Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222 The North American Mycological Association (NAMA) has information that may also be of help. Click here. We do not ID mushrooms through this website.
If you are in need of an ID consider uploading quality photos with multiple views of your specimen and descriptions of your find to Mushroom Observer or iNaturalist including our projects or post in Wild Food Wisconsin or Mushroom Identification Group. If you contact us and provide a way to get back to you, we may be able to provide suggestions for more identification resources you can use. You are always responsible for your own decisions taken on the basis of identification resources. |
Wisconsin Mycological Society (WMS) is dedicated to the study and enjoyment of mushrooms and other fungi throughout the state of Wisconsin. Education, safety, sustainability, community, and connecting with nature are our goals.