WMS Zoom Lectures
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All Zoom meetings start at 6:30 PM CST.
Third Thursday of Each Month We get going with 30 minutes of collaborative identification of WMS member fungi observations as everyone joins the meeting. These will be from our 2020 & 2021 forays. Virtual foray project links: 2021 WMS Virtual Foray All WMS iNaturalist Projects Our Blog on the Projects Mushroom Observer |
A typical lecture runs from 7:00 - 7:45 PM concluding with Q&A from 7:45 - 8:00 PM
Presentations lengths will vary, however. The Zoom address you need will be sent to WMS members by email. Be sure to watch for it & be sure your contact info with us is up-to-date! Please don't hesitate to contact us with your questions or concerns. You can reach out using our contact form here or on our social media. Whether it is making sure you can attend and enjoy our virtual meetings, or helping you find a ride to get to one of our in-person forays, we want to be sure all members have access. |
If You Suspect a Poisoning
If you suspect you have consumed a poisonous mushroom, contact a physician, the closest hospital ER, poison control center, or dial 911, depending on the severity of the reaction. US Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222 The North American Mycological Association (NAMA) has information that may also be of help. Click here. We do not ID mushrooms through this website.
If you are in need of an ID consider uploading quality photos with multiple views of your specimen and descriptions of your find to Mushroom Observer or iNaturalist including our projects or post in Wild Food Wisconsin or Mushroom Identification Group. If you contact us and provide a way to get back to you, we may be able to provide suggestions for more identification resources you can use. You are always responsible for your own decisions taken on the basis of identification resources. |
Wisconsin Mycological Society (WMS) is dedicated to the study and enjoyment of mushrooms and other fungi throughout the state of Wisconsin. Education, safety, sustainability, community, and connecting with nature are our goals.