Directions to Mauthe Lake
- From Milwaukee, take Hwy 45 to downtown Kewaskum.
(If coming from the north or the west, take Hwy 41 to eastbound 28 to downtown Kewaskum.) - Turn east onto State Hwy 28 and travel about ½ mile to County Hwy S (just past the river). - Follow County Hwy S; it will turn right about 2 miles down the road, and then turn left a little less than - 2 miles further (in New Fane). - Continue on County Hwy S, approx. 2 ½ miles, to County Hwy GGG. - Turn left on County Hwy GGG and follow about a mile to the park entrance. Park in the parking lot just past the fee station inside the park. Bring a picnic lunch - there are several nice picnic areas where we will identify our finds. An annual admission sticker, or a daily pass, will be required. Foray leader: Thomas J. Truax, Email Steve Shapson if you have any questions. |