Whenever someone new joins our projects, I get no notification, nothing at all to say there is someone new among us. Instead, it usually all starts when I notice the "number of members" figure on one or more of our different projects has gone up by 1, or sometimes 2.
Other times I see a new fungi observation pop up in a project's gallery, click through to try and identify it, and realize its observer needs to be identified first, because I don't recognize the name! At that point I get to greet the new arrival, link all the other projects too, and hope you are accessing the site by computer rather than always on mobile or else you may never see the welcome message! Until now... Though it gets edited just about every time I send it, here is that welcome message in its most general form: Hello and welcome to WMS projects & the 2020 foray! Just as you would find at an in-person foray, there are fungi finders, identifiers, and admirers all with different interests and experience in fungi and lichens. By working together in our project, we can learn from each other and also get a sense of what people are finding this season. You can read in more detail about the 2020 project here: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/wms-2020-first-virtual-foray?tab=about And the new 2021 project is here: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/2021-wms-virtual-foray Anything you upload where the metadata on the photo (or the date you put in manually) is in 2020 will go in the 2020 project, anything 2021 will go in the 2021 project. This happens automatically once you have joined them for those two virtual foray projects. Besides the virtual forays, we have: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/all-fungi-by-wisconsin-mycological-society-wms-members this collection showing every fungus or lichen observed by anyone who joins a WMS project. Unlike, for example, our 2020 foray, which will only showcase your 2020 finds, And we also have a project for Slime Molds, blatantly ignoring the fact they are not molds, and not even fungi in favor of how beautiful and interesting they are to us: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/slime-molds-friends-by-wms-project-members I will have now already added you to those two to include any related observations you post, but you can also join the project and get its updates on your iNat dashboard, and have it included in that drop down "Community" tab to quickly reference all WMS project members' observations or what slime molds have been seen by WMS project members lately. We also have an umbrella group you can check to compare all WMS projects and where you can look for anything new - https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/all-wms-projects If you haven't already, I recommend going to "Account Settings" to set your email preferences. The default settings tend to generate a lot of emails, particularly if you join projects or follow people. Maybe you like lots of email notifications, or you signed up with an email just for iNaturalist, but if you're like me the flood of them is overwhelming. Happily, iNat allows for pretty specific filters on which emails you want (I left on notifications for messages, for example), and which you don't. If you have any suggestions, questions, comments, ideas, resources recommendations, or anything, message me on here and I'll get back to you at least by the next day. Feel free to email as well. That is where you can reach me if you would like an in-person fungi & iNaturalist tutorial on Zoom, at the level that best fits you. It can cover both app & site, beginner or advanced, fungi identification focused or more about the site. I can also send that information in a written format by email if that is preferred. Thank you for joining the project, and happy fungi foraying! Mariah Rogers / mkremedios / link to my email --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hopefully that provides some small orientation to those of you who may be learning WMS has projects on iNaturalist right this moment, too. Please join us if it seems like fun to you! You are welcome, whether to post observations, identify other people's fungi, compliment a friend's photography or comment how someone's fungus observation looks exactly like a bagel (as they do, at times), or perhaps just to browse & learn.
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iNaturalist Admin: Mariah Rogers
You can contact me by email or by message on the iNaturalist site - you can find my profile here. ArchivesCategories |
If You Suspect a Poisoning
If you suspect you have consumed a poisonous mushroom, contact a physician, the closest hospital ER, poison control center, or dial 911, depending on the severity of the reaction. US Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222 The North American Mycological Association (NAMA) has information that may also be of help. Click here. We do not ID mushrooms through this website.
If you are in need of an ID consider uploading quality photos with multiple views of your specimen and descriptions of your find to Mushroom Observer or iNaturalist including our projects or post in Wild Food Wisconsin or Mushroom Identification Group. If you contact us and provide a way to get back to you, we may be able to provide suggestions for more identification resources you can use. You are always responsible for your own decisions taken on the basis of identification resources. |
Wisconsin Mycological Society (WMS) is dedicated to the study and enjoyment of mushrooms and other fungi throughout the state of Wisconsin. Education, safety, sustainability, community, and connecting with nature are our goals.